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News Update - 29th November

Skittles Evening

Well, that was something a little different; sometimes the simple things in life are the best, with 40, some very competitive, members taking part in the Waltham Chase Skittles Evening at the Mortimers last Friday.

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to our skittles helpers, Dexter, David and Billy.

If you want more of the same, or something different our Social Team are happy to oblige, as long as there is a “bar” close by!

 The Christmas Trial (Club Championship Round 8) – 10th December at Hut Hill.

Our next event is the Christmas Trial (Round 8 of the Club Championship being held at Hut Hill on Sunday 10th December.

Note the earlier start time- 10.00am – Its Winter!

Offers to observe appreciated, for which £20.00 expenses are paid. Please email walthamchasetrials@outlook.com if you are available.

Entry via the link: https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/e/201998

Debs Catering Van is confirmed.


Fancy Dress is very welcome at this Trial, as per the tradition of the Club– let’s get a little “Christmassy”, before Christmas is banned!

NOTE: If you are planning to ride, please enter no later than Wednesday 6th December if possible.

 The Dick Hoyles – 31st December at Hut Hill. 10.00am Start.

Entry is now open on Sport80 via the link: https://acu.sport80.com/public/wizard/e/201999

Offers to observe appreciated, with £20.00 expenses paid.

Please email walthamchasetrials@outlook.com if you can help.

Debs catering van confirmed.

 Youth Training Day – Date Change

We have had to change the date of our Billy Green & Jazz Hammond training day to Saturday 10th February as Billy will now be away in Barcelona the week before competing in the Indoor Trials Championship – good practice for him for a day at Hut Hill!

The cost for a day’s training is £50.00.  Please email walthamchasetrials@outlook.com  if you would like to book a place.

 2024 Club Membership

2024 Waltham Chase Club Membership is now open via the link:


There are three membership types, Adult, Youth (Under 16 years) and social.

Membership fees are unchanged for 2024.

Family memberships are not available as your ACU licence is linked to your Club Membership type.

A reminder that all Members are asked to “Observe” or provide an “Observer” at least once each year at a Waltham Chase Trial.

The renewal process is quite “slick”- remember those old “Magic Numbers” and paper forms!

 First Aid Training Course

The ACU Southern Centre is funding a Certificated First Aid Training course for members and officials of Centre Clubs.

The “one day” session covers emergency actions required to deal with the type of accident that may occur at off road motorcycle events, including the use of a defibrillator.

This course is ideal for Trials and other Affiliated Clubs holding events where no formal first aid cover is provided.

The course is being held at the Southampton and District MCC HQ, The Cranbury Centre, Cranbury Road, Eastleigh, SO50 5HT on Saturday 17th February 2024 commencing at 10.00am and ending a 3.30pm.

A buffet lunch will be provided.

Please register your interest by email at: acusoutherncentre@gmail.com


 Waltham Chase Committee Meeting

The Waltham Chase Committee will be meeting next Tuesday to start planning events for 2024.

If there are any issues or suggestions, you would like discussed please call or send details by email.

 Awards Presentation

A reminder: The Awards Presentation is being held on Saturday, February 24th at Otterburne Village Hall. We just have the final round of the Club Championship and the Dick Hoyles to run before all award winners can be confirmed, but the awards evening is about joining in with the celebrations, not just about winning, so spectators are very welcome at this event.

Look out for booking information in early December.


Mike Wiseman:

Tel: 07533 741177