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AGM Minutes 2024

        AGM Minutes

 Wednesday 16th October 2024 – 7.45pm.

The Empress of Blandings



Sue Wiseman, Steve Greenen, Maria James, Lloyd James, John Baude, Leon Baude, Bill Latham, Mo Latham, Andrew Bryant, Jack Bryant, Jim Gray, Trevor Gattrell, Paul Garland

Sally Garland, Shane Babey, George Hawat, Tim Churchill, Julie Bryant and Mike Wiseman.



Apologies were received from: Ian Bird, Andy Withers, Gareth Plews, Mark Cassidy, Shaun Francis, Tony Knott, Mike Osborne, Dave Henvest and Nick Fox


Minutes of the 2023 AGM

The minutes of the 2023 AGM are published on the Waltham Chase MCC Club Website.

Any outstanding actions were carried forward to the current AGM.

The 2023 Minutes were confirmed to be an accurate account of the proceedings.

The one outstanding action, the purchase of a new Club Laptop, will be progressed by MW.


Chairman’s Report for 2024 and 2025 Overview

MW provided a summary of 2024 activities and an overview of the year ahead.

The 2024 highlights from the report were:

In 2024 the Club held 23 Trials, 6 Practice Days, 2 Billy Green & Jazz Hammond Training days,  2 Camping Weekends and an Awards Presentation. A busy year.

All events had good entries, with Sport80 having no negative impact on entry numbers.

Sport80 facilitates the compilation of Programmes and Results, additional benefits of using the system

We have had very few Sport80 issues in 2024, with any problems reported  usually related to Members Licences.

The Club has a strong Committee, a team of helpers and regular Observers that make the events happen. Many of our helpers are, in the main, part of the “Grey Team;” we really do need to encourage more younger members to get involved for the long term future of the Club.

All of the team are thanked for their ongoing support.


The Club has a paid membership of  226 Adults, 27 Youth Members and 4 Social Members. There are also a number of “One Event” riders affiliated to the Club.


The Club has recorded a small financial surplus in 2024, however there is no ambition to make a profit. Details in the accounts.


The Club Officials do not receive an honorarium.


SG has had some initial Sport 80 training. More training will take place in 2025.


Moving forward to 2025, and as previously recorded I intend to do less COC activity, but have no issues with the admin.

We have some new COC’s who we hope will run an event or two, however we may not be able to run all of our events due to a lack of volunteers and course plotters.

The 2025 dates calendar will be published in early November, after the event COC’s for the events have been confirmed.

We appreciate the positive comments received from members, but please tell us when things go wrong. We can then put things right.

In summary it has been a good 2024 for Waltham Chase and we look forward to an equally enjoyable 2025, but we do need our member’s support.


Accounts - 2023-2024





Entry Fees






Social Events



Other Income



Total Income





ACU Levies and Insurance



Land (Including Hut Hill and Camping)






Social Events



Charity Donations



Trophies and Engraving



Meetings & Committee Expenses



All other Expenditure



Total Expenditure






Operational Variance





Donations to Charity – 2023-2024





McMillan Cancer Support



Muscular Dystrophy



Alan Sansom - Brain Tumour Charity



John Wright Charity - Parkinsons UK



Meon Valley Heartstart                                      




TSB Bank Account





TSB Bank Account as of 1st October 2023



TSB Bank Account as of 1st October 2024





Club Assets

The club has no tangible assets. The Loadlugger had previously written down to zero value.


Outstanding payments due to Club

All outstanding payments due have now been collected.


Club Affiliation (ACU or Other)

It was unanimously agreed to remain affiliated to the ACU for 2025.

However other options may be explored in the future.


Election or reappointment of Officers for 2025

No resignations were received from the 2024 officers.


2025 Officials

§  Chairman/Secretary: Mike Wiseman

§  Treasurer: Mike Wiseman

§  Awards & Events Team: Mo Latham, Sally Garland, Sue Wiseman

§  Minutes Secretary: Mo Latham

§  Membership Secretary: No longer required.

§  Child Protection: Mo Latham, Sally Garland and all COC’s.

§  Defibrillator: Sally Garland

§  Environmental Officer: Gary Plews and Trevor Gatrell

§  Youth Representative: Leon Baude

§  Club Merchandise: Maria James

§  Club Coach: Ian Bird

§  Clerks Of Course: Steve Greenen, Jim Gray, Ian Bird, Shane Babey, Mike Wiseman, Tim Churchill, Trevor Gatrell & Dave Penfold.

§  PR and Photography: Andy Withers

§  Signing On Team: Sue Wiseman, Mo Latham, Maria James, Sally Garland, John Denham, Steve Greenen.

§  Results

Mike Wiseman, Steve Greenen, Sally Garland.         

§  First Aiders: Ian Bird, Andrew Bryant, Paul Garland, Jack Bryant, Martin Penfold, John Baud, Trevor Gattrel, John Denham, Malcolm Mullender & Dave Henvest

§  Committee (Additional to those named above): Bill Latham, Dave Henbest &Tony Knott


Additional Committee Members

Tim Churchill and George Hawat were invited to join the Club Committee. GH has an historic relationship with the Club and TC has been an active “Grey Team” helper throughout 2024 , a COC candidate and qualified medic.


Clerks of Course for 2025

The COC’s available to manage Trials in 2025 are listed above.(2025 Officials).

Members are reminded that without COC’s there can be no Trials, and additional volunteers should now start considering volunteering for 2026. New COC’s will not be left to “go it alone.” The ACU expectation is that a new COC will be shadowed by an experienced COC for two events before running their own Trial.


Membership Fees, Entry fees and Observers Renumeration

It was agreed that there was no requirement to increase any fees for 2025.

(There are no planned Insurance Premium increases)


Membership Fees

Adult Membership £15.00.

Youth Membership £5.00.

Social Membership £5.00.


Event Entry Fees for 2025

Club Trials

Adult £20.00.

Youth £15.00.


Practice Trials:

Adult £15.00.

Youth £10.00.


Open To Centre Trials:

Adult £25.00.

Youth £15.00.

The additional fee for OTC Trials reflects land fees, observer’s expenses and the purchase of awards.


Observer Expenses

Observers at Club Championship and Summer trials will be paid £20.00 expenses.

For all OTC events Observers will be paid £20.00 plus a lunch voucher.


Waltham Chase MCC Sport80 Refund Policy

Riders cancelling an entry up to 24 hours before the start of a Trial are issued a refund, less the administrators fees. (Sport80 and Stripe)

No refunds are issue for “No Shows.”


Event Entry Process

Sport80 will be used for all 2025 event entry transactions.


Late Entry and “On the Day entry”

On the day entry is not promoted, however the Club will always accommodate a non-member or those without an ACU Licence who wish to enter an event.

We will never turn a rider away, subject to places being available.


Club Membership renewal process for 2025.

It was confirmed that 2025 Club Memberships will be processed through the Sport 80 platform. The membership link will be live as from November 1st. (Membership runs to 31st December 2025).

Members are advised not to attempt to renew their membership before November 1st as if you do it will expire at the end of December 2024.

Members are reminded not to click on the option “ Club Membership (Pre Paid/Approval/Not on List)  This feature is only used when a member has paid the Club Direct for membership.


Events to be held in 2025

The confirmed events are:

§  Club Championship - 8 Rounds

§  Summer Series – 6 Rounds

§  November Charity Trial.

§  The George Greenland – Centre Championship

§  The Geoff Chandler – Centre Championship

§  The Keith Marshall – Classic Trial

§  The St Paul Trophy – Ben Fund Charity Trial

§  Experimental Evening Trial

§  Six Practice Days


A subcommittee of event organisers will meet in early November to finalise the dates calendar and venues.


A decision, subject to available COC’s and volunteers, will be taken regarding the running of The John Wright, The Alan Sansom, The Hobnail, The Dick Hoyles and The Francis Family Trial.

A proposal was made that some legacy events may be included as part of a Club Championship Trial. To be confirmed after COC meeting.


Youth Only Trial

As a result of suggestions made in the recent “Youth Members” survey we plan to host a “Youth Only - Open to Centre” Trial for members of all Southern Centre Clubs.

Details to be confirmed.


Camping Weekends

Two Camping Weekends have been provisionally booked at Cadnam. Details to be confirmed after COC Meeting. Camping bookings will be online.


Evening Trial

It was proposed that the Club should consider running Evening Trials. MW

Reported that the calendar is already “saturated” with mid-week events. It was proposed that a one off Friday Trial should be held to “test for demand.” It was noted that driving to Hut Hill on a Friday evening may be problematical and one of our other venues may be more suitable.


National Trial

A proposal had been received for Waltham Chase to host a National Classic Trial. Suitable land may be available, however after some discussion it was felt that the committee, and current volunteers do not have the skill sets available to run this type of event.

This proposal will be reviewed in 2025.


Event “Rules” for 2025

Club Championship Trials and Open To Centre Trials – Stop Allowed.

Summer Series and The Keith Marshall – Non-Stop.


Score Recording

For 2025 Observers will use “Waterproof Score Sheets”

If a section does not have an available Observer, it will not be opened.


Digital Score Recording

Further investigation and equipment familiarisation is required before Waltham Chase commit to this technology.

SG and MJ reported favourably on their “IOW Two Day” observing experiences.

A better understanding of the systems “reporting capability” is needed before the Club can progress.


Provisional Dates for 2025

A provisional 2025 dates Calander was circulated for consideration at the meeting.

It will be finalised at the upcoming COC Meeting.


Course Plotters or Setters

The Club seeks the commitment from volunteers to help with the marking out of trials. MW will solicit members.

We cannot rely on a “shout out” to get assistance. We need the help from suitably “class qualified” riders, especially for our “Open Trials.” It can be disheartening for a volunteer to hear negative comments made about sections they have helped mark out. Help please.


Venues to be used in 2025

§  Hut Hill

§  Oakridge Copse

§  Limekiln Lane

§  Cadnam

§  Manor Farm

§  Bunny Lane

§  Ham Lane


All available land should be used to maintain continuity of use.


Subject to any favourable land purchase, Woodberry Lane will not be available in 2025.


Rider Classifications for 2025

2025 Classes will remain the same as 2024

Expert (A Route) , Clubman (B Route), Veteran (C Route over 50), Sportsman (C Route Under 50) , Novice (Adult D), Twin Shock C & D, Pre 67 C & D.

Youth Riders wishing to ride out of “Age Class” should record their route preference in the “Event Info” Field on Sport80. (But must ride a machine of the correct capacity)


There will be additional classes in the Centre Championship Rounds, including the established 50/50 classes. Details can be found in the Supplementary Regs for these events.


50/50 Class proposal

Analysis demonstrates that there is not sufficient demand to include 50/50 classes in all events. There are a number of reasons, including the reduction in class numbers, which removes an element of competition.

Rider seeking an “up-grade challenge” should consider riding as unclassified on a no score basis, riding whichever route, they chose.

There will continue to be 50/50 classes in all Centre Championship rounds.

In 2025 the Club may include a youth 50/50 class at selected Trials.


Rider Numbers

It was agreed that the Club would continue to use the “Retained Rider Number” system for 2025.

However, all riders are reminded that they must enter their rider number on the Sport80 entry and provide a printed Number Card for their machine.


Late entries and non-members will be issued with a printed number card at “Sign-On.”


Route Marking

The “Flag” route marking system and colours will not be changed for 2025.

A proposal to use one colour per route without deviations was rejected. (Too many flags)



The Club recorded its thanks to all who observe, without them there would be no Trials.

We do need more Observers and TK and DH will organise some training, possibly in the format of “Buddying-Up” for new recruits.


Observers WhatsApp Group

A proposal was made to create an event specific WhatsApp Group to enable Observers to be kept advised of retirees, non-starters and other issues such as medical emergencies.

To be trialled at an Open Trial and detail finalised at the next Committee Meeting.


Written Observer Complaint

Riders are requested not to take extended lunch breaks, especially in the Winter. It is frustrating for Observers to be left waiting at their section for late arrivals when riders may be taking a break. (Especially if the Pit Area is visible from the Section)



Back Markers

Subject to availability the Club intends to provide a “Back Marker” at most Trials.

£20.00 Expenses will be paid.

The role of the “Back Marker” includes giving the Observers a break, if required, communicating non-starter and retirement details to Observers and making sure that any “stragglers” have completed all of the sections.


Club PR and Event Photography

Andy Withers was thanked in his absence, for the excellent PR and photography he provides on behalf of the Club and members.


Defibrillator review. (Maintenance requirement)

SG & TC will confirm maintenance requirements.


First Aid Provision and Training

The Club has eight locally trained “First Aiders.” Additional training is to be considered to ensure that events are always covered. There may be additional CQC regulations to consider in 2025.

The armbands currently used to identify are not practical and it was proposed that” Bibs or Tabards” would be sourced. MW will obtain samples.


Accident & Emergency Procedures

Tim Churchill has put together a very comprehensive procedure covering off what to do in an Emergency. The document is currently under review, however in the absence of any formal procedure we should all be mindful of what we need to do in an emergency.

TC gave an overview of the procedure.


Youth Representative - Survey Review

Leon Baude updated the meeting with the findings from the Survey of our “Youth Members.”

Details of the findings will be shared, with the proposal of a “Youth Only Trial” being one of the significant takeaways.

It was noted from the survey that “Granddads” are responsible for getting many of our younger members involved in the sport! This promotes thoughts on what should we be doing to increase our Youth Membership from those outside the Sport?


Clerk of Course Seminar – 19th October at Otterbourne

Tristan Robinson is the Course Tutor for the upcoming COC Seminar, with Steve Greenen looking after the local management of the event.

Paul Garland, Andrew and Jack Bryant were not available for this Seminar and will book on to a future local Seminar.

By the time these  minutes are posted we hope to report a number of new COC’s joining the team.


Club Coach & Coaching

Ian Bird has confirmed his intention to remain as our Club Coach.

Applications from others wishing to coach are invited, however to coach applicants must be competent riders, fully conversant with all appropriate riding skills for the discipline in which they wish to coach. Applicants will be asked to undertake and pass a test of riding competency before coach training commences. Training for this certification is free of charge for a member of an affiliated ACU Club, subject to approval from the Club/Centre)


Billy Green & Jazz Hammond Training

The Club has booked an additional training day on the 8th December with Billy Green and Jazz Hammond.

We hope to be able to support our Youth Members with additional, funded training, in 2025. We will promote on the Waltham Chase website when the details are finalised.


Club Website

The Club Website has been reviewed. Despite various aspirational suggestions for development, it does what it needs to, an Events Calendar, Event Results and Club News.

We will delete all reference to paper forms as they are no longer used.

The website is the first place to visit for any Club events information.


Club Constitution

MW is to review the Club Constitution with the Committee. It is 40 years old and does not cover elements such as what happens to the funds if the Club ceases to exist.


Facebook & Social Media

The Club has received a formal complaint regarding hate speak and inappropriate comments being posted on the Waltham Chase FB page.

We have investigated and have concluded that the current group membership of over 1000 is not a true reflection of current Club Members.

As a result, it was proposed that a new “Group” is to be created with all current Waltham Chase Members being invited to join. Actions to be confirmed after the next Committee Meeting.


2025 Awards Presentation

The 2025 Awards Presentation is booked for February 15th at Otterbourne. The venue, catering and entertainment has all been booked, however we are still looking for a celebrity to present the trophies. If you have any suggestions, please advise. All members are welcome at this, our biggest social event of the year, not just the award winners.


Social events for 2025

SG will organise some members social events in 2025. A Club Quiz Night is being planned. We will post details when available.

The August Camping Weekend will include family activities, a BBQ plus live entertainment.


Catering for 2025 Trials

It was confirmed that Debs Food Truck will provide the catering at all 2025 Trials.


Club Merchandise

Maria James will continue to manage the supply of clothing and merchandise. Please talk to Maria at any trial if there is anything you need (Gilets and Sweatshirts can be recommended)



The Loadlugger is a necessity at Trials held during the Winter.

JD and BL have agreed to transport to events.

The Club pay £20.00 fuel expenses for each event where the “Loadlugger” is required.


Club Committee Meeting Schedule, Venue and Funding.

It was agreed that Committee meetings would in future be held bimonthly at The Ship in Old Redbridge on a Wednesday evening. (To avoid other activity at the venue)

The Meeting Room is free as long as refreshments are purchased.


The next Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday 27th November.



George Hawat gave a short presentation covering some opportunities and facilities  available to the Club. Due to timing constraints, it was not possible to explore all in detail but will be progressed at a future meeting.


Any other AOB had been covered of in the main meeting agenda.


Date of 2025 AGM

The 2025 AGM will be held on 15th October. The venue is to be confirmed.


The meeting closed at 10.15.